Town of Scott

Ordinances & Resolutions

Ordinance No. 1980-03 Establishing Town Road Specifications

Ordinance No. 1983-05 Relating to Alcohol Licenses

Ordinance No. 1984-04Relating to Road Weight Limits 

Ordinance No. 1997-01 Dedicating Fairview Road

Ordinance No. 103-94 Town of Scott Recycling Ordinance

Ordinance No. 2011-01 Town of Scott Ice Drags (Repealed on 01-14-2020) 

Ordinance No. 2012-01 Extending Town Officer Terms in Response to Election Law Changes

Ordinance No. 2014-01 Designating ATV UTV Routes and Regulating the Operation of ATV UTVs in the Town of Scott

Ordinance No. 2014-02 Amending Ordinance 2011-01 Entitled Town of Scott Ice Drags Ordinance (Repealed on 01-14-2020)

Ordinance No. 2014-03 Exemption from Treasurer's Tax Collection Bond

Ordinance No. 2017-02 Adopting Procedures for Access to Public Records

Ordinance 2017-03 Establishing Snowmobile & ATV Route - Devil's Creek Stup Jumpers

Ordinance 2017-04 Establishing Snowmobile & ATV Route - Rock Island Express

Ordinance 2018-01 Establishing Refund Policy for Overpayment of Taxes

Ordinance 2018-02 Establishing Fee for Special Assessment Letters

Ordinance 2018-03 Establishing Standard for Issuance of icenses

Ordinance 2019-01 Mailboxes Damaged During Snow Removal

Ordinance 2019-02 Driveway's

Recycling Ordinance

Ordinance 2019-08 Authorizing Fewer than Seven Election Inspectors

Ordinance 2019-09 Establishing Split Shifts for Election Workers

Ordinance 2020-01 Ice Drags Ordinance

Ordinance 2020-02 Rescinding Old Recyling Ordinance

Ordinance 2021-01 Imposing Penalty for Unpaid Property Taxes

Ordinance 2025-0211 Cemetery Ordinance


Resolution 2017-01 Election Poll Works Hourly Rate of Pay

Resolution 2017-02 Public Records Requests Fees

Resolution 2017-03 Establishing Town Employee List & Rates of Pay

Resolution 2017-04 Re-Zoning of Parcel No. 24.303107.

Resolution 2017-05 Re-Zoning of Parcel No. 24.253106.

Resolution 2017-06 Authorizing Cost-Share for Culvert Replacement at Scott Road & Joe Snow Road

Resolution 2017-08 Authorizing Participation in Transcendent Technologies Tax Collection Program

Resolution 2017-09 Approving the 2018 Budget

Resolution 2017-10 Dog License Tax Collection

Resolution 2017-11 Appointing Election Inspectors (2018-2019 Tern)

Resolution 2017-12 Approving Re-Zoning of Real Estate

Resolution 2018-01 Amending Resolution 2017-11 Appointment of Election Workers 2018-2019 Term

Resolution 2018-02 Establishing Hourly Rate for Chief Election Inspector

Resolution 2018-03 Authorizing Borrowing for a New Town Grader

Resolution 2018-04 Approving Amendments to Lincoln County Zoning Code and Shoreland Zoning Standards

Resolution 2018-05 Approving Loan Documents

Resolution 2018-06 Approving Election Contingency Plan

Resolution 2018-07 Approving Amendments to the Zoning Code (Signs)

Resolution 2018-08 Approving Amendments to the Zoning Code (Waste Treatment Systems)

Resolution 2018-09 Town Transportation Resolution

Resolution 2018-10 Adopting the 2019 Town Budget

Resolution 2019-01 Authorizing Penalty for Returned Checks

Resolution 2019-02 Authorizing Carry-Over of Funds from 2018 to 2019 for Scheduled Road Projects

Resolution 2019-03 Adopting Mutual Aid Box Alarm System Agreement

Resolution 2019-04 Establishing Public Participation Procedures for Land Use Plan Updates

Resolution 2019-05 Approving Ordinance Amendments to Lincoln County Zoning Re Short Term Rentals

Resolution 2019-06 Appointing Election Inspectors for the 2020-2021 Term

Resolution 2019-07 Approving the 2020 Budget

Resolution 2019-08 Approving Town-Wide Roadside Garbage & Recycling

Resolution 2019-09 Authorizing Collection of Taxes Paid in Advance of Levy

Resolution 2019-10 Designating the Foto News as the Legal Publication for the Town of Scott

Resolution 2019-11 Authorizing Cost-Share for Culvert Replacement on Joe Snow Road

Resolution 2019-12 Authorizing Town Treasurer to Issue Kennel Licenses

Resolution 2020-01 Approving Zoning Ordinance Amendments (Boathouses)

Resolution 2020-02 Authorizing Memorial for David W. Rice

Resolution 2020-03 Supporting Petition for Variance (Wheeler's)

Resolution 2020-04 Appointing Peter Rajek, Jr. as Town Supervisor

Resolution 2020-06 Approving 2021 Budget

Resolution 2021-01 Approving CD for ARPA Funds

Resolution 2021-03 Adopting Supervisory District Lines

Resolution 2021-04 Disapproving Revisions to Lincoln County Board of Adjustment Establishment

Resolution 2021-05 Amending Ordinance 2017-03 (Devil's Creek Stump Jumpers Routes)

Resolution 2021-06 Approving the 2022 Budget

Resolution 2021-07 Appointing Election Workers for 2022-2024 Term